Wednesday, June 29, 2011

We're BACK!!

We just returned home, yesterday, from an AMAZING trip to Hawaii. I'm bitter sweet about being home....I will miss the ocean, the sand, the humidity (I know I'm crazy), the temp of a perfect 85* degrees EVERYDAY, the warm rain that lasts only 5 mins, being outside all day.....It was one amazing time & I CANNOT wait to go back someday. I have TONS & TONS of pictures that I will post soon. Until then ALOHA!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Little Leilani is Now in Business

Hello Mommies! I don't know about you, but I have SO MUCH baby stuff that is either slightly preloved or brand spankin new! I do not have room to spare & would rather have it go to a new home to be used & loved. I decided to start up Little Leilani Boutique. New or preloved loved items that can be bought, sold, or freecycled (recycled to another home with no cost). You decide! Let the shopping begin!

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